Gabriela Garcia | Of Women and Salt

Of Women and Salt

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In present-day Miami, Jeanette is battling addiction. Daughter of Carmen, a Cuban immigrant, she is determined to learn more about her family history from her reticent mother and makes the snap decision to take in the daughter of a neighbor detained by ICE. Carmen, still wrestling with the trauma of displacement, must process her difficult relationship with her own mother while trying to raise a wayward Jeanette. Steadfast in her quest for understanding, Jeanette travels to Cuba to see her grandmother and reckon with secrets from the past destined to erupt. From 19th-century cigar factories to present-day detention centers, from Cuba to Mexico, Gabriela Garcia's Of Women and Salt is a kaleidoscopic portrait of betrayals--personal and political, self-inflicted and those done by others--that have shaped the lives of these extraordinary women. A haunting meditation on the choices of mothers, the legacy of the memories they carry, and the tenacity of women who choose to tell their stories despite those who wish to silence them, this is more than a diaspora story; it is a story of America's most tangled, honest, human roots.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Flatiron Books

ISBN: ‎9781250776709


Word Count: 67200 words

Length: 224 pages

Language: English

Release Date: January 4, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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July 27, 2021
Character Development

Wow! This book is one of the best I've read in a while. Being Cuban American, I can relate to to the struggles of being there, here but in neither as Carmen seemed to be. As a retired bilingual teacher, I taught many children like Ana and their stories are heart wrenching. This novel is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more about the struggles immigrants face daily, even when they think they've left the past behind.

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