KJ Dell’Antonia | Playing the Witch Card

Playing the Witch Card

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Flair Hardwicke knows three things: magic is real, love isn’t, and relying on either ends in disaster. So while she’s grateful for the chance to take over her grandmother’s Kansas bakery after she finally leaves her cheating husband, she won’t be embracing Nana’s fortune-telling side-hustle. Hers is a strictly no-magic operation—until the innocent batch of Tarot card cookies Flair bakes for the town’s Halloween celebration unleashes the power of the family deck, luring Flair’s unpredictable mother to town, tempting Flair’s magic-obsessed daughter, and bringing back Flair’s first love while ensnaring her ex in a curse she can’t break.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons

ISBN: 978-0593713792


Word Count: 105300 words

Length: 351 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 12, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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