G.A. Aiken | The Heretic Royal

The Heretic Royal

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Ainsley Farmerson has always planned to break free of the family business—and the family drama. But what was once farming, smithworking, and bickering over the dinner table has turned into open warfare between sisters. Sides have been taken, lives are on the line, and Ainsley has no doubt which sister must be queen. She’ll do whatever is necessary to take down the soulless Beatrix. Even if that means joining forces with angry battle nuns, irritating monks, and overbearing centaurs.

Gruffyn of the Torn Moon Clan has no time for human beings. And yet . . . there is something about the uncontrollable princess that he can’t ignore. Maybe it’s the way her eldest sisters underestimate her. Or her bravery facing down dragons and mad queens from distant lands. Whatever the reason, Gruff is willing to fight by this human’s side. Not only for the entertainment value, but because she’s right. Beatrix must never be queen. So whatever he has to do, whoever he has to destroy, Gruff will battle beside Ainsley. Fast. Hard. And with absolutely no mercy .

Action and adventure
Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Kensington Books

ISBN: ‎978-1496735089


Word Count: 88800 words

Length: 296 pages

Language: English

Release Date: December 27, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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1 Reviews


January 24, 2023
Character Development

I enjoyed reading this 3rd book in the series. It was especially exciting with Annwyl and her dragon family in queen Keely’s land. It was neat seeing how the 2 groups blended together albeit a rough start in the beginning. It makes me want to reread this author’s dragon series to re-familiarize myself of all the fun characters.

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