Emilia Hart | Weyward


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Three women. Five centuries. One secret.

‘I had nature in my heart, she said. Like she did, and her mother before her. There was something about us – the Weyward women – that bonded us more tightly with the natural world.
We can feel it, she said, the same way we feel rage, sorrow or joy.’

In 2019, Kate flees an abusive relationship in London for Crows Beck, a remote Cumbrian village. Her destination is Weyward Cottage, inherited from her great Aunt Violet, an eccentric entomologist.

As Kate struggles with the trauma of her past, she uncovers a secret about the women in her family. A secret dating back to 1619, when her ancestor Altha Weyward was put on trial for witchcraft…

Weyward is a stunning debut novel about gender and control – about the long echoes of male violence through the centuries. But more than that, it is a celebration of nature, female power and breaking free.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

ISBN: ‎978-1250280800


Word Count: 100800 words

Length: 336 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 7, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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September 9, 2023
Character Development

I loved everything about this book. It's centered around three women and three different time frames. There is a bit of mystery about each woman that plays out in the novel very well. At the end of the book I was cheering and felt empowered by the reading of this wonderful story.

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