Geoffrey Mak | Mean Boys

Mean Boys

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You know them when you see them: mean boys take up space, wielding cruelty to claim their place in the pecking order. Some mean boys make art or music or fashion; others make memes. Mean boys stomp the runways in Milan and Paris; mean boys marched at Charlottesville. And in the eyes of critic and style expert Geoffrey Mak, mean boys are the emblem of our society: an era ravenous for novelty, always thirsting for the next edgy thing, even at our peril.

In this pyrotechnic memoir-in-essays, Mak ranges widely over our landscape of paranoia, crisis, and frenetic, clickable consumption. He grants readers an inside pass to the spaces where culture was made and unmade over the past decade, from the antiseptic glare of white-walled galleries to the darkest corners of Berlin techno clubs.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

ISBN: 978-1635577945


Word Count: 81600 words

Length: 272 pages

Language: English

Release Date: April 30, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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