Piper Huguley | By Her Own Design

By Her Own Design

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1953, New York City

Less than a week before the society wedding of the year where Jacqueline Bouvier will marry John F. Kennedy, Jr, a pipe bursts at Ann Lowe's dress shop and ruins eleven dresses, including the expensive wedding dress, a dress that will be judged by thousands. A Black designer who has fought every step of the way, Ann knows this is only one struggle after a lifetime of them. She and her seamstresses will find the way to re-create the dresses. It may take all day and all night for the next two weeks to accomplish the task, but they will do it.

1918, Tampa

Raised in Jim Crow Alabama, Ann learned the art of sewing from her mother and her grandmother, a former slave, who are the most talented seamstresses in the state. After Ann elopes at twelve with an older man who soon proves himself to be an abusive alcoholic, her dreams of becoming a celebrated designer seem to be put on hold. But then a wealthy Tampa socialite sees Ann's talent and offers her an amazing opportunity--the chance to sew and design clothing for Florida's society elite. Taking her young son in the middle of the night, Ann escapes her husband and embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.

Based on the true story of one of the most famous designers of the twenties through the sixties who has since been unjustly forgotten, By Design is an unforgettable novel of determination despite countless obstacles and a triumph celebrated by the world.

Historical fiction
Soceity and Culture

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks

ISBN: ‎978-0063059740


Word Count: 115200 words

Length: 384 pages

Language: English

Release Date: June 7, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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July 29, 2022
Character Development

By Her Own Design, a novel of the untold story of Ann Lowe is worth every bit of the hype. It is written with intention and skills giving you all the feels that create an emotional attachment to the characters. The story captures your attention and holds it captive from the prologue to the very last page, bringing the story of the best-kept secret of the high society to life. By Her Own Design is a highly anticipated masterpiece that I could not wait to read.

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