Amy Lin | Here After

Here After

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Amy Lin never expected to find a love like the one she shares with her husband, Kurtis, a gifted young architect who pulls her toward joy, adventure, and greater self-acceptance. But on a sweltering August morning, only a few months shy of the newlyweds’ move to Vancouver, thirty-two-year-old Kurtis heads out to run a half-marathon with Amy’s family. It’s the last time she sees her husband alive.

Ten days after this seismic loss, Amy is in the hospital, navigating her own shocking medical crisis and making life-or-death decisions about her treatment.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Zibby Books

ISBN: 978-1958506325


Word Count: 81000 words

Length: 270 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 5, 2024

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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