Angelina M. Lopez | Full Moon over Freedom

Full Moon over Freedom

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The first time she left Freedom, Kansas, behind, she did it by doing everything right.

This time, she’ll hide from the large Mexican American family welcoming her home and work in secret to break the curse that’s erased her magical life. Only by doing it all wrong can Gillian get herself and her two children away from the ghosts of her hometown by summer’s end.

Nicky Mendoza is an answer to her prayers. He was the practical solution to the problem of her virginity when they were younger, and now, as a gorgeous artist in town for only a weekend, he’s the ideal man to launch her down the path of ruination.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Harlequin

ISBN: 978-1335639936


Word Count: 102600 words

Length: 342 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 5, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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