Karin Tanabe | The Sunset Crowd

The Sunset Crowd

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Meet LA darling Evra Scott. The daughter of an Oscar-winning director and a Brazilian bombshell actress, Evra is the city’s reigning style queen. By day, she’s at the helm of Sunset on Sunset, the store beloved by Hollywood’s young and beautiful. By night, she’s on the arm of Kai de la Faire, Hawaii’s hottest export, and the screenwriter of the moment.

Enter Theodora Leigh. The twenty-something Paramount assistant looks like a big screen star, but her sights are firmly set behind the scenes, as she fights to become a movie producer in a town where sex and sexism sell. Theodora’s got the talent and instincts, but she’s not willing to wait. Luckily, getting ahead by any means necessary is LA’s mantra.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

ISBN: 978-1250280466


Word Count: 98100 words

Length: 327 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 4, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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