Ali Rosen | Recipe for Second Chances

Recipe for Second Chances

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Stella Park is elated to celebrate her best friend’s wedding in the Italian countryside—and maybe she also needs this escape from her personal and her professional life. Writing recipes for a living isn’t all it’s cooked up to be.

But the revelry is short lived when she runs into the ex she hasn’t seen since she broke his heart ten years ago, Samuel Gordon. As her past gets propelled to the forefront, Stella tries not to question the choices she made a decade ago.

When Stella and Samuel keep getting pushed together during a weekend filled with delectable food, Indian and Italian wedding traditions, and unplanned detours in gorgeous locales, she attempts to ignore that maybe he really was the one that got away.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Montlake

ISBN: 978-1662513701


Word Count: 80100 words

Length: 267 pages

Language: English

Release Date: November 1, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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