Phaedra Patrick | The Little Italian Hotel

The Little Italian Hotel

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Ginny Splinter, acclaimed radio host and advice expert, prides herself on knowing what’s best for others. So she’s sure her husband, Adrian, will love the special trip to Italy she’s planned for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. But when Ginny presents the gift to Adrian, he surprises her with his own very different plan—a divorce.

Beside herself with heartache, Ginny impulsively invites four heartbroken listeners to join her in Italy instead while live on air. From hiking the hills of Bologna to riding a gondola in Venice to sharing stories around the dining table of the little Italian hotel, Ginny and her newfound company embark on a vacation of healing.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Park Row

ISBN: 978-0778307648


Word Count: 93600 words

Length: 312 pages

Language: English

Release Date: June 6, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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