Tracey Livesay | The Duchess Effect

The Duchess Effect

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Against all odds, sexy American rapper, Danielle “Duchess” Nelson and brilliant reclusive royal Prince Jameson have fallen in love! They’ve decided to take their relationship public and find a way to make their two worlds coexist. On their terms.

Unfortunately, falling in love was the easy part.

Jameson and Dani’s love story has made them the most popular royals since Prince John, but that popularity comes with a price. Dani looks forward to signing the deal with a major cosmetics company that will make her skin care line, Mela-Skin, a force in the industry, and finally grant her the control over her life she’s craved since childhood. But the company wants to take advantage of their fame and involve Jameson in Mela-Skin’s marketing campaign. Dani is outraged! Her company has nothing to do with Jameson.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Avon

ISBN: 978-0063084568


Word Count: 103800 words

Length: 346 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 11, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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