Dina Nayeri | Who Gets Believed?

Who Gets Believed?

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Former refugee and award-winning author Dina Nayeri begins with this question, turning to shocking and illuminating case studies in this book, which grows into a reckoning with our culture’s views on believability. From persuading a doctor that she’d prefer a C-section to learning to “bullshit gracefully” at McKinsey to struggling, in her personal life, to believe her troubled brother-in-law, Nayeri explores an aspect of our society that is rarely held up to the light.

For readers of David Grann, Malcolm Gladwell, and Atul Gawande, Who Gets Believed? is a book as deeply personal as it is profound in its reflections on morals, language, human psychology, and the unspoken social codes that determine how we relate to one another.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Catapult

ISBN: 978-1646220724


Word Count: 91200 words

Length: 304 pages

Language: English

Release Date: March 7, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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September 9, 2023
Character Development

This is undoubtedly an important book and extremely pertinent under our current situation..However it felt like Nieri was trying to weave a number of critical narratives together .. All of them deeply significant, but the weave isn't seamless and it ends up being a disjointed read.

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