Viet Thanh Nguyen | A Man of Two Faces

A Man of Two Faces

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With insight, humor, formal invention, and lyricism, in A Man of Two Faces Viet Thanh Nguyen rewinds the film of his own life. He expands the genre of personal memoir by acknowledging larger stories of refugeehood, colonization, and ideas about Vietnam and America, writing with his trademark sardonic wit and incisive analysis, as well as a deep emotional openness about his life as a father and a son.

At the age of four, Nguyen and his family are forced to flee his hometown of Ban Mê Thuột and come to the USA as refugees. After being removed from his brother and parents and homed with a family on his own, Nguyen is later allowed to resettle into his own family in suburban San José.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Grove Press

ISBN: 978-0802160508


Word Count: 102300 words

Length: 341 pages

Language: English

Release Date: October 3, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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