Temi Oh | More Perfect

More Perfect

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When Moremi connects her brain to the Panopticon, a network which allows you to see inside the minds and dreams of others, she believes that it will save her from depression, loneliness and, eventually, death. That is until she meets Orpheus.

Orpheus was brought up in isolation by a Neo-luddite father. He was raised to question everything, including the government who plan to make the connection procedure compulsory.

They promise that connecting everyone to the Panopticon will end human suffering and usher in a more perfect world. But when Orpheus and Moremi uncover the dark side of the technology, they find themselves on opposite sides of a radical divide, between those who believe that the Panopticon will save humanity, and those who will stop at nothing to destroy it.

Science fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK

ISBN: 978-1982142834


Word Count: 176700 words

Length: 589 pages

Language: English

Release Date: May 25, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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