Ken Follett | The Armor of Light

The Armor of Light

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The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother’s husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence; a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children; a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business; one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters’ lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Viking

ISBN: 978-0525954996


Word Count: 225000 words

Length: 750 pages

Language: English

Release Date: September 26, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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