Jane Porter | Flirting with Fire

Flirting with Fire

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Forty-nine-year-old Margot Hughes has lived and breathed theater for the past twenty-five years. After a devastating breakup with her playwright fiancé, she wants nothing to do with the industry. She has sworn off New York, theater, actors—all of it. She returns to her hometown on California’s central coast and takes a job in real estate, where she manages significant investment properties. But Margot’s suddenly thrown back into the theater world when Sally, her friend and boss, who had been restoring and funding Cambria’s historic theater, has a heart attack. Before she knows it, Margot is tapped to take over the troubled summer production of Barefoot in the Park.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Berkley

ISBN: 978-0593438428


Word Count: 93000 words

Length: 310 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 25, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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