Jennifer Chiaverini | Switchboard Soldiers

Switchboard Soldiers

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In June 1917, General John Pershing arrived in France to establish American forces in Europe. He immediately found himself unable to communicate with troops in the field. Pershing needed operators who could swiftly and accurately connect multiple calls, speak fluent French and English, remain steady under fire, and be utterly discreet, since the calls often conveyed classified information.

At the time, nearly all well-trained American telephone operators were women--but women were not permitted to enlist, or even to vote in most states. Nevertheless, the U.S. Army Signal Corps promptly began recruiting them.

More than 7,600 women responded, including Grace Banker of New Jersey, a switchboard instructor with AT&T and an alumna of Barnard College; Marie Miossec, a Frenchwoman and aspiring opera singer; and Valerie DeSmedt, a twenty-year-old Pacific Telephone operator from Los Angeles, determined to strike a blow for her native Belgium.

They were among the first women sworn into the U.S. Army under the Articles of War. The male soldiers they had replaced had needed one minute to connect each call. The switchboard soldiers could do it in ten seconds.

The risk of death was real--the women worked as bombs fell around them--as was the threat of a deadly new disease: the Spanish Flu. Not all of the telephone operators would survive.

The women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps served with honor and played an essential role in achieving the Allied victory. Their story has never been the focus of a novel...until now.

Historical fiction

Additional Information about the book

Publisher: William Morrow

ISBN: ‎978-0063241978


Word Count: 139200 words

Length: 464 pages

Language: English

Release Date: July 19, 2022

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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1 Reviews


January 19, 2023
Character Development

I really liked this book because I felt it probably gave A realistic view of What it was like to work as a switchboard operator during the war time. The book kept my interest Because The characters were all Filled out Well And they all kept my Interested and kept me wanting to follow the Throughout the war And they are lives and loves.

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