Tove Alsterdal | You Will Never Be Found

You Will Never Be Found

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In the small mining town of Malmberget, north of the Arctic Circle, residents and their houses are being relocated. As the mine that built the town slowly swallows it street by street, building by building, the memories of the community have collapsed into the huge pit they call “the hole.” Only a few stubborn souls cling to their homes, refusing to leave. When two workers making their final preparations hear a sound coming from a basement, they break a cellar window and find a terrified man curled up in a corner.

In Ådalen, 700 kilometers away, police officer Eira Sjödin is investigating the disappearance of a man reported missing by his ex-wife. Eira and her colleagues search his apartment, contact his friends and relatives, and query local hospitals, but the man has vanished without a trace.


Additional Information about the book

Publisher: Harper

ISBN: 978-0063115118


Word Count: 83400 words

Length: 278 pages

Language: English

Release Date: January 10, 2023

Available as: Ebook,Paperback

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1 Reviews


June 2, 2023
Character Development

I was prepared to give this book less stars. I felt the beginning was a little slow and the story line not very consistent. The characters were not hitting it for me and I was ready to sit it aside. I’m glad I didn’t. Although some areas felt to long and I tended to bog down in places, the ending more than made up for it. I had to remind myself this was an ARC and more editing would be done.

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