1 reviews
Vavachan is a Pulayan who gets the opportunity to play a policeman with an immense moustache in a musical drama. The cha
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Devdutt Pattanaik
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Devdutt Pattanaik, India’s foremost mythologist, explores the art, rituals and stories of the Hindu trinity, and their
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Jill Archie
1 reviews
With all of the craziness in the world today it's time for us to be different, be Christ-like, and just be a decent huma
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Hugh Ross
1 reviews
Increasingly astronomers recognize that if the cosmos had not unfolded exactly as it did, humanity would not, could not,
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Yvon Attia
1 reviews
When she was six years old, Yvon Attia fell out of a three-story building in Cairo, Egypt. In a dramatic encounter with
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