Whether the brand new object interrupts the in-sport financial system and lowers the cost of the current party hats with OSRS gold, or change into an entirely new or even greater top class object is yet to be determined. Jagex might be marking the event on the same level even though they are transforming the inside-sport Grand Exchange zone into "a Golden Party Hat iciness delightland".
The golden hat is the crowning addition (sorry) to RuneScape's 12 months-lengthy twentieth-anniversary celebrations. Beginning with the return partyhat celebration is the fourth and the last part of the anniversary quest Once Upon a Time, walking all year.
The appropriate title is Finale, the bankruptcy is defined as "the faith in the adventure that explores RuneScape's beyond as well as destiny, gift, and which brings the story to an end for Relomia who is the antagonist to the quest."
Finale will take players to three places - the Black Knight's Fortress and the World Gate, and the Kami-Shima, the island that may also give glimpses of the future of their abilities. Completing the bankruptcy will praise gamers and reward them with "4 Quest factors, a new magical T5 dice with RS gold.
The final praise song is free up from the May Quest Point Caravan, a medium-sized XP lamp, Relomia's Shadow Rip Home Teleport beauty override Treasure Hunter keys" and "one plus wonder to be seen".