3 Battle Items Chest 1 and Honing Shard Selection Chest 3

Lost Ark Gold For Sale -https://www.p2pah.com/lost-ark-gold.html

Lost Ark is getting two additional rounds of the only weekend-only Fever Time event to close the month of July. This event lets you benefit once on a Saturday and Sunday. This event will be added to Buy Lost Ark Gold the bonus promotions that have been added since in July's Spells In Spades update.

Fever Time is a simple affair, as it involves collecting rewards once per day on a weekend, and it is limited to one participant on your roster. The rewards are slightly different this time. The weekend of July 23rd and July 24th, the prizes will consist of:

Saturday Wednesday, July 23rd

3 Battle Items Chest 1 and Honing Shard Selection Chest 3

Sunday, July 24th

Honing Support Selection Chest x1 as well as Guard Stone Selection Pouch 6

The following week, during the summer's last weekend the prizes will change to:

Saturday, July 30th

3 Battle Items Chest one and Honing Leapstone Chosen Chest II x 2

Sunday the 31st of July

Honing Selection Support Chest as well as Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x3

Progression bonuses added in the July update remain running and they also include Punika Powerpass. Punika Powerpass, by which you can upgrade any character in a matter of minutes up Lost Ark Gold to item level 1302 using a single usage to use the pass. Furthermore, there are Hyper Express events. That means any character at item level 1302or higher (including those with insta-levels on your roster) gains access to the progression challenges that will allow them to get to the level of 1370. The event also includes Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which rewards winners with tools for honing their skills.
