It's not anything to worry about when you do not get one as well, however Lost Ark Gold may be beneficial to dedicate certain Lost Ark sessions to acquiring as many Pirate Coins as possible so that you don't have to be concerned about earning lesser amounts of them throughout the normal course of play.You are also able to find Pirate Coins while fishing, but the rewards of that activities aren't always predictable and does not appear to be a excellent way to exploit this RNG system. This is why I wouldn't recommend that you prioritize this game over the others except when you want to focus on fishing, regardless of the reason.
It's ultimately up to you to decide what it is you want to spend your hard-earned Pirate Coins on, but there's at minimum one specific item for Pirate Coins that most players would like to have at some point: the Song of Resonance.
The song is a must-have and costs you 16,500 Pirate Coins, which probably appears to be a significant amount (that's because it's an enormous amount) but is more than sufficient considering that the song unlocks important special places and goals. It is possible to purchase the Song of Resonance from Treasure Hunter Igran in Peyto A ship which is situated in the waters west of Anikka, south of Pleccia in the east and west of Vern. You should try to get this in the course of the game's final stages of Lost Ark.If the last quest in this sequence, "Honorary Punikan" has been completed, speak to Nia at Nia village to begin "Berver's Friend." If you've already completed the quest prior to updating, then you'll receive the Powerpass at the time that the event begins!
The Punika Powerpass functions like the North Vern Powerpasses , which are available to players in the launch version Lost Ark. Once you've completed your journey across that continent, you are able to buy Gold Lost Ark use it to add an alternative character to that place in the game. If you buy the Punika Powerpass you'll get Item Level 1302 gear. This is an event Powerpass that expires the 28th of September.