The Lost Ark of the Tooki Corporation: A Travel Guide to Their Islands

The Tookis, who appear in Lost Ark as treasure hunters as well as hoarders, have a bit of a supporting role behind the scenes

The Tookis, who appear in Lost Ark as treasure hunters as well as hoarders, have a bit of a supporting role behind the scenes. This role allows them to hoard treasure. They can be found in what seem to be completely unrelated locations all over Arkesia, such as Rohendel (more specifically Breezesome Brae) and the secret chambers of the Chaos Dungeons. However, they are all connected in some way. But these teeny-tiny boogers can't just be isolated incidents that happen here and there, can they?

Tooki Corporation is an island in the game that provides a reasonable amount of content when compared to the offerings of other islands and has more to offer than what is initially apparent. It is the location of the Tooki operation's headquarters, and there, Tookis (who are known only by their numbers and not their names) put in a lot of effort to promote themselves in the hopes of being promoted to one of the highly sought-after single-digit Tooki positions. And as soon as you arrive at that location, you and the other people will be hurled headfirst into the machine.

Where the Tooki Corporation is situated geographically

Becoming a Tooki is the first step toward gaining access to the vast majority of the resources that Tooki Corporation has to offer. This can be done by purchasing a Tooki Transformation Coin from the Jingle Chest for either 5,000 silver or a predetermined quantity of Tooki Island treasures, which can be looted from Tookis on Tooki Island. Alternatively, the coin can be purchased for a predetermined quantity of Tooki Island treasures.

When you have completed the transformation that was required by using the coin, proceed in the direction of the green blob that was shown in the previous image. This will teleport you straight to the location that you have to be in at this particular moment.

The Crucial Component in Acquiring That Island Psyche
To obtain the island soul (or token), all that is required is to complete a series of quests, so the process shouldn't take too much time because it is the only thing that is necessary. On the other hand, this quest chain is time-gated, which means that it will take you some time (at least four days) to complete all of the quests in the chain and obtain the soul for yourself.

Tookicalibur can be obtained in one of two different ways, and having it is necessary to complete one of the game's side quests. You can get it by doing one of the following two things:

You must finish the hourly co-op quest that appears on the island in a position on the leaderboard of at least position three or higher.

Find some good fortune and you might be able to persuade the Tooki King on Tooki Island to let it go for you.

In the end, completing the series of quests does lead to the acquisition of some loot that can be considered desirable. These include, but are not limited to, high seas coin chests, epic rapport chests, and pirate coins.

Hidden Quest
On the island, there is a single hidden quest that cannot be accessed unless you have Tookicalibur with you at all times. This quest will become available to you only if you have the weapon, and it will be found in the hidden room (shown in the image above, with its entrance to the left; the actual room is to the right).

Una's Task
It is not the most difficult thing in the world to complete Una's Task here, and it is absolutely worth your time to do so because at the end of each tier, you will be rewarded with raw gold. Although it is not the most difficult thing in the world to complete Una's Task here, it is absolutely worth your time to do so. In order to move up a level in the tier system, you need to meet the following reputation requirements:

A score of 10 out of 10 is awarded once per day to players at level one, along with a reward of 200 gold.
A requirement of 30/30 is needed to qualify for the second tier, which results in a reward of 200 gold.
When you reach level three, you will be given 50/50 (five times per day), which is equivalent to 400 gold.


To advance to level four, you must first complete seven of the daily challenges, each of which is worth 800 gold.


  1. You will become eligible for the reward for the final tier after completing this task for a total of sixteen days

  2. The reward for the final tier is a toy that is referred to as the Tooki Transformation Sunglasses Selection Chest

  3. With the help of this toy, you'll be able to assume the form of a Tooki whenever the mood strikes you

Information Regarding the Lost Ark Patch Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be a section in the full release devoted to information that pertains to my country? The video game is available for purchase in multiple regions around the world, including Europe, North America, and South America. Amazon does not have the necessary legal authorization to publish in India, nor does the company have any plans to launch any dedicated servers in the Oceanic region at this time.

Does Lost Ark require a subscription? Playing the game Lost Ark does not require any payment on your part. In addition to the Founder's Packs that are available for purchase, there is also a Premium Membership Subscription that can be purchased. Take a look at this place to read our detailed guide to the Founder's Pack.

Does the video game Lost Ark offer any kind of in-game purchases or purchases with virtual currency? However, Amazon has stated that they intend to bring the game's microtransactions more in line with western expectations, with the objective of completely removing pay-to-win purchases from the game.

Is a Battle Pass currently available for Lost Ark to purchase? In the Korean version of the game, there is, in point of fact, a Battle Pass accessible, and it is segmented into three distinct tiers: free, paid, and premium. There are three different tiers included in the pricing structure for KR. These tiers are as follows: the free tier, the $20 tier, and the $50 tier. The highest tier has nothing but cosmetic items available for purchase. This feature is currently unsupported in the Western version of the game as it exists in its current state.

Is Lost Ark available on consoles? At this time, the Lost Ark game can only be downloaded onto personal computers and played through the Steam platform.

Is one able to play Lost Ark with a gamepad and its associated software? Please refer to our controller guide for any additional information that you may require.

In Lost Ark, what different kinds of classes do you have available to choose from?
The classes available in the Korean and Russian versions of the game will be slightly modified for the North American and European releases of the game, respectively. The following is a table that provides a list of all of the classes that are presently accessible for the launch in the Western region. When you click on the link, you will be taken straight to an in-depth overview of the class that goes over its gameplay styles, example builds, and its mechanics. 

Lora Young

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