Why is Email Etiquette so Important?

Learning professional email etiquette with all the examples, rules, and tips allows you to avoid common mistakes, maintain your professionalism, and communicate effectively.

Learning professional email etiquette with all the examples, rules, and tips allows you to avoid common mistakes, maintain your professionalism, and communicate effectively.

What is Email Etiquette? 

A principle that provides a person useful behavioral guide while receiving and sending mails is known to be email etiquette. E-mail etiquette is a code of conduct that includes few grammar, language, manners, and spelling guidelines. Around 28% of the time is spent writing a professional email, so it is likely for them to ignore email etiquette with respect to productivity. However, no matter how busy your schedule, you need to follow certain rules and pro tips when it comes to business email. Email etiquette helps a person to maintain professionalism as well as communicate effectively. When an organization maintains effective communication, it can avoid expensive mistakes. A proper email etiquette depends on the person whom you want to mail. If you are mailing in the workplace, it is required to maintain proper behavior.

Why is Email Etiquette so Important?  

If achieving professionalism is your prime motive, you must adhere to email etiquette. It also helps to build strong relations in your workplace. It results in effective communication and prevents an organization from getting into trouble. When you familiarize yourself with professional and proper email etiquette, you can communicate with everyone respectfully and advance in your career. Following are the guidelines of email etiquette that you should follow-  

  • Write a Significant And Clear Subject Line.  

The subject line is an important means to impact whether the receiver will open your email or not. If you want to adhere to clear email etiquette, you should try to make a short and impactful subject line that can describe your email content in concise lines or certain words. It is recommended to use ‘application’ and ‘proposal’ like identifiers to show your recipient what to expect exactly from the email. The subject line is the sentence that gets read mostly to have greater utility and must be kept practical. No matter how busy you are, you should never forget to include a subject line before sending an email. If you do so, then it will be a violation of email etiquette. If there is no subject, it is more likely for the recipient to think it is suspicious and move it to trash.   

  • Start Your Email With Professional Greetings.  

The effective way of greeting your recipient always depends on the subject matter and your relationship with them. It is better to start professionally writing an email with a formal tone. For instance, include ‘Dear Mrs/ Ms. / Mr. (with the last name) ‘or simply include Hello (first name of recipient) instead of including informal greetings, which can be counted as bad email etiquette. If you start your mail professionally, you can create the first impression.   

  • Always Introduce Yourself  

It is wrong to presume that the mail recipient knows you, so you need not introduce yourself. It is an important e-mail etiquette to begin writing an email with a brief introduction, especially if you are emailing them for the first time. You must include relevant details in one or two lines. If you are unsure about whether your recipient knows you or not, then include the last time you communicated with them and remind them how you know both know each other.   

  • Keep the Email Short And Specific.  

An office-goer, on average, receives hundreds of emails per day, so no one can have the time or energy to read lengthy messages. If you write lengthy messages, the recipient can skip your message completely. Use short, simple sentences, avoid being wordy, and put across your points quickly. If your email needs to cover a variety of topics, you can include them in bullet points that can upfront the purpose of your email. It is better to edit the mail before sending it to ensure that all unnecessary words and sentences are deleted.   

  • Email Structure Should be Proper.  

Email etiquette will be violated if you don’t include greeting, sign-off, body, signature, subject line. Use paragraph breaks to separate these parts and make your message easily readable. You can highlight the important part of your message and improve message readability by leaving an empty line between the paragraphs. If you want to highlight the important portion by bolding it, then don’t overuse it for more than one phrase or word every mail   

  • Watch Your Tone  

It is important to consider how your recipient will interpret your message. So use the right word choice. Refrain from adding humor in your text and negative adjectives and words.   

  • Don’t Discuss Confidential Information.  

Don’t include confidential and sensitive details in your email. One important guideline for email etiquette is to refrain from adding anything sensitive that has the chance for the whole world to see and read.   

  • Don’t Forget the Cultural Differences.  

If you are not aware of cultural differences, it can lead to miscommunication. There is a greater risk in written mail since there is an absence of body language and facial expressions to accompany the message. It is an important etiquette to familiarize yourself with the recipient’s culture. It will build a strong relationship with them when you accommodate their preference.   

  • Don’t Use Any Emojis.  

Emoji is important in instant messaging as it helps in communicating effectively. However, they are not a part of professional email etiquette. Using emojis can make you look incompetent, as some people interpret these emojis differently.   

  • Always Proofread Your Email.  

One important email etiquette is to proofread your message to check grammatical errors and misspellings. After writing the mail, read the subject line and email body twice to check for mistakes.   

  • Rules Regarding Attachment  

One vital email etiquette tip related to attachment is attaching any large files to emails. For instance, you want to send a video by uploading the file to Dropbox or Google Drive like a cloud service. Provide a link in the message that the recipient can access. Ensure to mention the attachment in the body of your email so that your recipient notices it.   

  • Respond to Emails  

Responding to all emails is a part of good email etiquette. It is considered rude if you overlook any email from your organization.

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