I just reviewed No Accident by ‎978-1728206769

Sourcebooks Fire No matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out . . .

When a small plane crash ends with a group of seven teens washed up on a deserted island, their firs


January 25, 2023
Character Development

This book opens up an excellent discussion of all of these issues, culminating in an amazingly, thought-provoking scene at the climax. The only problem I had with this book was that though the crash gave the issues at hand an immediacy and urgency, I felt that the setting was wrong. I found it a little hard to accept that someone who had survived a plane crash (and another trauma) would try to sabotage their own chance at getting off the island. Especially, when they actually wanted to be rescued. I’m not sure what other setting would have worked for the idea, but it seemed awfully high stakes to screw around with one’s survival chances.

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