I am extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with Jagex, and I am so very sorry in the end that following this long journey a

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"Yesterday we reached out to the developers of well-known HD projects, and we asked them to stop development of their respective projects as it's a project we have been actively exploring," Jagex stated. Jagex sent 117 an email stating that its work on an HD version of Old School Runescape was "still still in the early exploration stages" however "very active."

"Naturally this implies that any project led by fans that attempts to alter the  OSRS gold look of Old School RuneScape appears is against our goals," Jagex wrote to 117. "We believe it's vital that there be a consistent look in the way Old School appears as a result, so we'd like to make certain that our official changes are the only ones on the market.

Hope that the news that Jagex and his Old School team are tackling this project seriously is something that excites you however it could mean that we need to politely ask you shut down the personal project you are working on."

117 said that they offered Jagex an option by removing their software once Jagex had released theirs, and also granting Jagex "collaborative control" over the design of Runelite HD's.

"They did not want to be open about it," 117 said. "I am extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with Jagex, and I am so very sorry in the end that following this long journey and a long time, I'm unable to share this project with you. The mod isn't able to be in violation of Jagex's guidelines for third-party players, but the Runescape developer has announced that it will be making changes to the guidelines over the next week to include references to projects that impact its appearance.

Original Runelite developer Adam1210 has shared his views cheap RS gold  on Reddit, saying that allowing Runelite HD to continue would be a net benefit for the future updates that are made by Jagex.

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