Teaching the primary stages

use language in the rest of the school curricula, and these skills must be developed in children to enable them to communicate and deal with the outside community and their surroundings

Teaching the primary stages The method of teaching children and the way information is presented in the primary classes differs. i.e. from the first grade and before to the fourth grade of primary school about the methods used to provide and give information to students in the middle and advanced stages; This is due to the lack of children’s mental abilities. In the primary stage, the child has limited and few mental skills, and the teacher at school and parents at home must work on developing children’s mental skills before starting to give them new information and provide them with new knowledge.[1] Teaching reading and writing is education. Reading and writing letters in Arabic and English is one of the most important steps in teaching children; This is due to the need to use language in the rest of the school curricula, and these skills must be developed in children to enable them to communicate and deal with the outside community and their surroundings; Where writing is one of the most important methods used in the process of communication between individuals.[2]


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