Handmade ideas for a variety

and to play with as well, and among the distinctive ideas that can be applied at home

Handmade ideas for a variety of games for children Handicrafts are used to make many simple and entertaining recreational games that children are happy to participate in making,

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and to play with as well, and among the distinctive ideas that can be applied at home to make children’s games are the following: [3] Making animal models: where shapes and figures are drawn Animals on pieces of cardboard so that the parts are colored and glued to each other to become solid and can be stopped and fixed, in addition to the possibility of using various elements to decorate them and make hair, wool or tails for them using different textiles, in addition to eyes made of buttons and others. Making a rocket from toilet paper cylinders: It is possible to benefit from toilet paper cylinders by decorating them with decorative or colored paper and putting stars on it, then forming a cone and sticking it in the rocket’s nozzle and coloring it red, for example, and making wings for it as desired, then sticking a long wooden stick of Inside; To move, play with and catch the rocket through. Hand-made spinning toys: where damaged socks are used by cutting and sewing a part of them so that the child can wear them with a finger or by hand and move them, as they are decorated and a small doll head is formed with them, using small buttons by making eyes, yarn that forms hair, and colored threads To draw a mouth and nose, play with it and have fun with the rest of the children.

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